Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Free Digital Scrapbook kit

Hello me lovelys, another freebie for you, this one was inspired by my childhood and is named after the farm I grew up on, hence the funny name of Hurkledale Wood, remember the days when you could roam about for hours and only have to go home for tea?, making daisy chains and climbing trees and who cares if your hair is brushed lol, enjoy it and have fun my fab friends xxx



Meet Squinky lol

A fun layout I made from Hurkledale Wood




Anonymous said...

You are a very smart person!

Anonymous said...

Just downloaded your fab new kit - beautiful!!

Hilary said...

Hi Linds! My first page with your lovely new kit is already on DT - it's called "Highwayman"! I went for the mystery look (I Bet that you guessed that I would!) - I'm looking forward to seeing wht the other lads and lasses at daisytrail create.

Kaz said...

ooohh Linds, Yes I do remember those, unashamed freedom...this is a fab freebie hunny, will get a page done asap..HUGZ xxx

MrsPeel said...

beautiful, thanks so much! will be back later to download as I'm downloading music right now

supereve said...

super kit luvvy, had to laugh when I saw the name Hurkledale!!!! Have downloaded and will get round to making a page as soon as I can. Great work sweetie you are a star. luv u xx

Unknown said...

I love the theme of this kit. Yes, it does take me back to carefree time.

Anonymous said...

cool - thank you so much!

gypsymonkeyscrap said...


Anonymous said...

beautiful page ! thanks a lot

Karri said...

Wow, another gorgeous kit - thankyou!
Yep, I remember those days, we used to just go off all day, making dens, drinking from the cows trough!! and come home grubby, tired and carefree!

Leah H said...

Thanks, Lin! I've seen the gorgeous LOs folks have done at DSA and can't wait to try it out. ~Leah

rainbow said...

Just love this kit! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

thank u

Clumsinumptie said...

Many thanks for this lovely kit, and I think Squinky is smashing! Much appreciated. Sally xx

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