Thursday, 5 April 2012

Abby Arts

Hidey hoo my friends, just to let you guys know I haven't dropped off the planet lol, I will have some items for you shortly, been having a break from all things digital since Christmas and recharging my batteries and mojo lol, I would however like to ask you guys a big favour and take a look at some drawings for me. My daughter Abby has taken up pastel art and of course I think they are brilliant, if you have a spare 5 mins to go comment on her pics I'm sure it will encourage her and as you know it can mean the world just a little encouragement can go a long way.

Here is a picture she has done of a lily from a picture I took of our garden last year, she gets inspiration from posters and wallpapers, link to her blog Abby Arts is at the bottom of this post, a big thank you and take care.

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