Saturday, 27 March 2010

Free Digital Scrapbook Kit

Hiya guys, another freebie for you, I decided to try my hand at a kit for the fella's this time as there aren't many out there for the poor souls lol, it's called Oh Boy hope you like it xxx



As always PU only, saved at 300dpi and suitable for printing, have fun x

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Free Digital Scrapbook kit

Another freebie for you called moments, hope you like it, enjoy xxx

PU only and saved at 300dpi suitable for printing x


Monday, 8 March 2010

Moments in time


This is a layout I have made from a kit called Moments, the pretty little girl is a pic I used from Nikko Graffs site, the Moments kit is not available yet as I'm still working on it, hope you like it xxx


Saturday, 6 March 2010

Free Digital Scrapbook Alpha

I so liked the letters from the Bliss kit I have made a set of alpha letters in png for you, full set of capitals, lower case and numerics 0-9, can be easily recouloured to suit any lo, enjoy xxx


Note: DSA users can upload alpha via photo tab x


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Free Digital Scrapbook kit

Well dear scrappers its the end of my long weekend off work, back to the grindstone tomorrow, I hadn't intended to put together another kit quite so soon, it just happened lol. This one is called Bliss and I hope you like it, enjoy xxx



As always PU only and all items are 300dpi suitable for printing
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